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What kind of life insurance do you need?

Life Insurance With No Medical Exam

Normally, if you're applying for life insurance you are required to submit to a medical examination with regards to issues that may affect your insurance rates. For instance, you may be liable to pay more for life insurance if, during the medical exam, a doctor finds that you have a condition that indicates that you should be in a higher risk category.

Heart problems, high cholesterol or a history of strokes are some examples of issues that might put you in a higher risk category. For many individuals seeking relief from constant worries about their health, no exam life insurance is the perfect choice.

Who else might benefit from a no exam life insurance plan?

  • Those who need immediate coverage
  • Individuals suffering from health conditions, such as cancer
  • Senior citizens

Pre-existing Conditions

Many life insurance companies charge exorbitant fees if you have what they call a pre-existing condition which puts you in a higher risk bracket. Life insurance companies want to make more money off of you than you give them in the long term, so if they expect your death to be a drain on their company's finances in the near future, they want you to have paid in as much as possible. Life insurance with no medical exams provides the perfect solution for individuals who would have to pay a huge amount of money for a traditional term or permanent life insurance plan. It may even be possible to get whole life insurance without a medical exam.

Of course, you have to compare the monthly rates of each. Generally no exam life insurance is more expensive than the average life insurance plan and it offers the same services. However, it's more of a one-size-fits-all insurance plan, making it a great choice for people who do have "pre-existing conditions" like a heart condition or who are significantly older. If this describes you, a traditional life insurance plan may ask for higher rates than a no exam insurance plan

Enhanced Privacy With No Medical Exam Life Insurance

Another benefit of purchasing life insurance with no medical exam is that you can keep your medical information private. Many of us feel a little bit leery that our private information is being viewed by some insurance executive or technician in a suit with nothing but dollars on the brain.

We'd like to know that information about our bodies is kept between ourselves and trusted physicians and doctors. Additionally, no exam life insurance is great for people who don't enjoy doctors' offices, needles or exams. They're simpler, they are processed much more quickly, and they leave your family with more money to help with funeral expenses.